产品名称: | 肉桂油 |
Cas No.: | 8007-80-5 |
规格:: | 75% |
价格: | 230元/公斤 |
发布日期:: | 2017-03-28 |
名称:肉桂油 2012-12/201212311051450001s.jpg 详细介绍 【基本信息】 色状:浅棕色油状液体。 香气:具有纯正浓郁的肉桂香气。 香味:肉桂特有的甜味和辣味。 工艺特点:以我国广西防城产优质肉桂为原料,采用超临界CO2萃取技术生产,分子蒸馏精制而成。。 【质量指标】 项目 指标 折光指数(20℃) 1.5660~1.5870 相对密度(25/25℃) 1.0030~1.0510 旋光度(20℃) ﹣2°~﹢2° 酸值 mg .KOH/g ≤ 20 挥发油含量 40~60ml/100g 砷(以As计) % ≤ 0.0002 重金属(以pb计)% ≤ 0.001 主要成分:桂皮醛、柠檬烯、β-榄香烯、依兰油烯等。 产品规格:1︰60浓缩精品,即每克本品相当于60克肉桂干品。 产品特性:(1)纯天然。100%肉桂提取物,无溶残及化学添加剂; (2)风味完整。完整地保留了肉桂的甜香味和辣味; (3)溶解和分散性好。能完全溶解于70%乙醇和植物油中 【用 途】 (1)咸味香精的香原料; (2)广泛应用于熟肉制品、方便面、麻辣食品、膨化食品、糖果、罐头食品等。 用法用量:根据风味需要适量添加。参考用量:在咸味香精中添加量0.2—0.5%;肉制品0.01—0.03%;方便面0.005—0.02%;麻辣食品0.02—0.05%;糖果罐头0.015%。 【包装存储】180kg/桶装,密封贮存于避光、阴凉、干燥处。 [ ] the basic information Color: light brown oily liquid. Aroma: with the pure rich cinnamon aroma. Fragrance: sweet and spicy cinnamon unique. Technology characteristics : China’s Guangxi Fangcheng production quality cinnamon as raw material, using the supercritical CO2 extraction technology, molecular distillation and refined.. [ ] the quality index Project index Refractive index ( 20 ℃) 1.5660~ 1.5870 Relative density ( 25/25 ℃) 1.0030~ 1.0510 Optical rotation (20 degrees C ) - 2 ~ + 2° Acid value mg .KOH/g ≤ 20 The content of volatile oil from 40 to 60ml/100g Arsenic ( As) %≤ 0.0002 Heavy metal ( PB) %≤ 0.001 Main ingredients: cinnamic aldehyde, limonene,β- elemene, Yilan oil and vinyl. Product specification: 1 : 60 condensed products, namely every present products equivalent to 60 g cinnamon dry goods. Product characteristics: ( 1) pure natural. 100% cinnamon extract, no residual solvent and chemical additives; ( 2) integral in flavor. To retain the integrity of cinnamon aroma of sweet and spicy; ( 3) the dissolution and dispersion. Can be completely dissolved in 70% alcohol and vegetable oil [ ]. ( 1) salty flavor fragrance raw materials; ( 2) widely used in meat products, instant noodles, spicy food, puffed food, candy, canned food. Usage: according to the need of adding flavor. Reference dosage: in salty flavor in addition 0.2 - 0.5%; 0.01 - 0.03% instant noodles meat products; 0.005 - 0.02%; 0.02 - 0.05% spicy food; candy canned 0.015%. [ ] 180kg/ packaging storage barrels, seal and store in a cool, dry place, away from light. |